

This website will document the plants and, to some extent, the landscape of my house is Northern San Diego County. The USDA Hardiness zone is 10a meaning that the coldest it gets some nights is 30 degrees Fahrenheit. The lot is 1/4 acre with heavy clay soil.

Current Plant list


Common NameScientific Name
Bearss Lime
Biloxi Blueberry
Black Persian MulberryMorus nigra
Black Mission FigFicus carica
Black Star Surinam CherryEugenia uniflora
Blue Java BananaMusa acuminata × Musa balbisiana
Drumstick TreeMoringa oleifera
Dwarf Namwah BananaMusa acuminata × Musa balbisiana
Dwarf Everbearing MulberryMorus nigra
Fredericks PassionfriuitPassiflora edulis
Fruit Punch MangoMangifera indica
Ki-zakuro Pomegranate
La Conchita CherimoyaAnnona cherimola
Mexican Cream GuavaPsidium guajava
Misty Blueberry
Monstera deliciosaMonstera deliciosa
O’Neal Blueberry
Pineapple – Tropical GoldAnanas comosus
Pineapple – White JadeAnanas comosus
Pineapple GuavaAcca sellowiana
Pink Lemonade TreeCitrus limon
Prickly Pear – VariegatedOpuntia
Red JabuticabaPlinia cauliflora
Reed AvocadoPersea americana
Strawberry Mint
Vista White LoquatEriobotrya japonica


Common NameScientific Name
Agapanthus – BlueAgapanthus
Agapanthus – Summer SkyAgapanthus
Agapanthus – TinkerbellAgapanthus
Cone bush – Pom PomLeucadendron discolor
Echeveria – Electric GlowEcheveria
Euphorbia – Primrose YellowEuphorbia x lomi
Euphorbia – Salmon CrownEuphorbia x lomi
FlapjackKalanchoe thyrsiflora
Foxtail AgaveAgave attenuata
Hawaiian Ti PlantCordyline fruticosa
King PalmArchontophoenix alexandrae
PlumeriaMultiple unknown varieties
Red Dragon HibiscusHibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘Mongon’
Snake PlantDracaena trifasciata
Xanadu PhilodendronPhilodendron xanadu


Common Name Scientific Name
AloeAloe vera
Mexican SunflowerTithonia diversifolia
Perennial PeanutArachis glabrata
